Jeffrey John Spalding, Pacific, 1995
CA$5,000 - CA$7,000
Timed Auction
Vente en ligne Miriam Shiell Fine Art Online sale : Opportunités / Opportunities
Jeffrey John Spalding
48,3 x 205,7 cm / 19 x 81 in (Deux panneaux chaque / wo panels each)
Jeffrey John Spalding était un artiste canadien d'origine écossaise né en 1951. Il a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts à l'université de Guelph en 1973, ainsi qu'une maîtrise en éducation à l'université Ohio State et une maîtrise en beaux-arts du Nova Scotia College of Art and Design en 1976. Il était connu en tant qu'artiste, auteur, commissaire d'exposition et pédagogue. Les tableaux de Spalding témoignent de la volonté de l'artiste de réconcilier le romantisme avec l'abstraction et les approches contemporaines à la peinture de paysage. Pacific, de 1995, est un exemple des paysages éphémères de Spalding qui cherchent à entourer le spectateur par leur taille et par le jeu des couleurs et des tons allant de la lumière à l'obscurité. Ses œuvres font partie des collections du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, de la Vancouver Art Gallery, du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, de l'Art Gallery of Alberta, de la McMichael Canadian Art Collection et de la Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Il a été nommé membre de l'Ordre du Canada en 2007.
Jeffrey John Spalding was a Scottish-Canadian artist born in 1951. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Guelph in 1973, as well as his Master’s Degree in education from the Ohio State University, and his Master of Fine Arts from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1976. He was known as an artist, author, curator and educator. Spalding’s paintings were the artist’s own attempt to reconcile Romanticism with abstraction and contemporary approaches to landscape painting. Pacific, from 1995 is an example of Spalding’s ephemeral landscapes which are intended to envelope the viewer by their size, and through the interplay of colour and tones from light to dark. His work is in the collection of the National Gallery of Canada, the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Art Gallery of Alberta, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. He was named to the Order of Canada in 2007.
Jeffrey John Spalding was a Scottish-Canadian artist born in 1951. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Guelph in 1973, as well as his Master’s Degree in education from the Ohio State University, and his Master of Fine Arts from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1976. He was known as an artist, author, curator and educator. Spalding’s paintings were the artist’s own attempt to reconcile Romanticism with abstraction and contemporary approaches to landscape painting. Pacific, from 1995 is an example of Spalding’s ephemeral landscapes which are intended to envelope the viewer by their size, and through the interplay of colour and tones from light to dark. His work is in the collection of the National Gallery of Canada, the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Art Gallery of Alberta, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. He was named to the Order of Canada in 2007.
Non encadrée / Not framed
Huile sur panneau / Oil on panel
Signée, datée et titrée au dos / Signed, dated and titled on verso
Acquis directement auprès de l'artiste / Acquired directly from the artist